James Brown

James Brown

Monday, December 30, 2013

Happy New Year

I want to wish everyone a Happy New Year.  I hope this coming year will find everyone healthy and happy.
I also hope that I can get your help in finding out who my great great greatgrandparents are!!!
Please feel free to contact me with any information you may have on this line.
Marsha Brown Ortiz

Saturday, December 7, 2013

I have contacted the office at Beauvior in Biloxi, Mississippi and they have no information on the parents of James Brown who built the plantation,  The executive director did invite down to see how the have renovated all of the buildings using the original blue prints that James Brown used in the 1840's when he built the plantation.  I haven't been there for many years since I was a young girl.  Has anyone been down recently and seen the renovation????

Monday, November 18, 2013

Everyone have a Happy Thanksgiving

If any of my relatives are reading this I want to wish them a Happy Thanksgiving!  Even if you are not related have a Happy Thanksgiving.  Hopefully, together we can unravel the mystery of who James Brown parents are.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

additional information

To give more information. He ended up in Mississippi in the early 1830's buying land. In the 1840 he started and built a plantation in Biloxi right on the gulf coast. It is called Beauvior. It is the home of the Jefferson Davis Library and is a memorial to the Confederate president.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

The parents of James Brown 1805-1866

James Brown
I am the great great granddaughter of James Brown who was born in  Kentucky in 1805 and lived in Mississippi for an extended time but died in Virginia in 1866.  I am trying to verify who is parents are.  He was married to Sophronia Perdue (his second wife) who gave birth to his 13 children.  In some records he is listed as James H. Brown and his eldest son (my great grandfather) was James Henry Brown.  If you have any information on James Brown I would love to get it.
Marsha Brown Ortiz